Better Days: Joy And Revolution Curators Walk Through (CURRENT EXHIBITION)

Better Days: Joy And Revolution Curators Walk Through with Jamaal Barber and Faron Manuel

Featuring six Contemporary Artists Curated by Jamaal Barber with select works of legacy artist from the Black Art in America collection. Exhibition dates: June 30th - August 12th, 2023

Artist Include: Jamaal Barber, Rashaun Rucker, Chloe Alexander, Robin Holder, Steve Prince, Jerushia Graham, Richard Mayhew, Dr Samella Lewis, Mildred Thompson, Romare Bearden, John Biggers Willie Birch, Alison Saar, Wadsworth Jarrell, Charles Mills

Black Art In America Gallery and Sculpture Garden

1802 Connally Drive East Point, GA 30344

404 565 1493

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