Atlanta Fine Art Print Fair Extended Through September 2nd


Due to popular demand, Black Art In America (BAIA) is extending the Atlanta Fine Art Print Fair through Saturday, September 2nd. With record attendance of over 1,000 visitors during the initial two day fair and the event attracting visitors from across the country and even internationally—the public will now have the opportunity to experience the Atlanta Fine Art Print Fair on weekends through September 2nd.

Featuring works from a diverse and talented group of legacy and contemporary artists, the fair spotlights the rich tradition and intricate process of printmaking. So far, highlights of the fair include record attendance for the gallery, opportunities to learn about printmaking through in person and online content, and record sales and prominent placement of works by participating artists with a special acquisition of Grasping for Comfort by Chloe Alexander by the Petrucci Family Foundation collection.

After visiting the Print Fair’s opening weekend, John Guess, CEO of the Houston Museum of African American Culture stated, “For all of its merits and national attention as a booming art hub, Atlanta still lacked a major art fair. That changed dramatically this weekend with Black Art in America's (Atlanta) Fine Art Print Fair. From steady crowds in the hundreds that became dense in the evenings to 50 print artists including Samella Lewis, David Driskell, and Melvin Edwards to artist talks and a live printmaking session to noteworthy sales to arts entities, out of town collectors and individuals, this fair excelled in every metric. The Fair's popularity reflects the renewed interest in printmaking and more support among museums and foundations. ‘If you build it, they will come!’ Well, from across the country we sure did!” 

Continuing this month, the Atlanta Fine Art Print Fair will provide the public with a unique opportunity to engage with a curated selection of fine art prints through September 2nd, and have access to programming and content about collecting fine art prints as an asset.

About Black Art In America: Black Art In America Gallery and Sculpture Garden is located at 1802 Connally Drive, Atlanta, GA 30344. Through its website ( and quarterly publication, BAIA has become the leading platform for individuals seeking information about African American art.

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