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Submitting Art Work to Black Art In America Gallery

Artist Submissions


Thank you for your interest in exhibiting your artwork at Black Art In America Gallery™! 

If you think your artwork is unique and would make a good fit for our gallery or our online platform at, please send us an email to with "Artist Submission" in the subject line.  In this email, please include the following:

- A personal website link of your artwork 

- Five clear JPG images of your artwork which you feel demonstrate your best work.

- Please include titles, medium, dimensions, year created, the surface used (such as canvas, paper, wood etc...), framed or unframed and retail prices of any attached images.

- A short artist's bio and artist resume, including your artworks current locations.

Submissions that do not include the above requirements will not be considered.

Please also note that we do not, under any circumstances, grant in-person appointments unless images have been reviewed and found to be of interest to the gallery

Due to the high-volume of artist submissions we receive, there may be a small delay before someone is able to respond to your email but we're very interested in your talent. Once you have completed the submission process, please do not call for status.  If we feel your work will be a good fit for our online store or a future show with the gallery, we will be in contact with you.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your work with us!

BAIA™, Submissions Admin.

Collector Submissions

If you would like to list works from your collection on BAIA™ for sale, please send email to: with "Collectors Submission" in the subject line.  

- Please provide us with image(s) of the collectible item(s) to be considered in JPG format.

- Include the titles, medium, dimensions, year created, and the current net asking price of the attached images.

- If available, also provide any provenance pertaining to your collectible(s).

Thank you for your interest in submitting work to Black Art In America™ (BAIA™).


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