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Why Open A Free Account

To maximize the Black Art In America™ Online experience we recommend that established and aspiring collectors alike create a collector profile (start a free account). By providing some basic information (which we keep private), such as artists you're interested in, a general price point, and artists you may already have in your collection, your personal arts specialist will be able to better assist you to find new artists and artworks. Your specialist can also source works which aren't publicly listed on the site through our network of partners.

How do you set-up an account?

Click the "Create an account" link on the left side of the main page under the the thumbnail logos. Proceed to fill in the form to generate an account.

Please follow the prompts to complete setting up your account. Your information is not sold to any other company and is stored privately. Please view our Privacy Policy for more information.

How do I view account information?

After creating an account or logging in, you will be able to access your account from the "my account" link on the left and you can also logout from your account page.  

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BAIA In Houston

Atlanta Fine Art Print Fair

Feb 1 - April 26
BAIA in Houston

Landscapes for Richard Mayhew

Jan 31 - April 26
[For iOS please view video slider below in landscape mode]